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What is a Holistic Nutritionist?
Holistic Nutrition is a specific type of nutrition training. It is rooted in understanding whole foods and their affect on your whole health. A Holistic Nutritionist looks at a person as a whole and attempts to bring balance to all areas of their life by observing dietary intake, supplements, and lifestyle. A Holistic Nutritionist is qualified to support clients in exploring how individual nutrients affect individual organs and systems of the body, and how whole foods affect the whole body.
What Does A Registered Social Worker Do?
Social Workers can be found working in hospitals, residential facilities, counselling centers and private counselling practices. Social workers are an important part of any mental health team. As a Social Worker, I provide direct services to individuals, couples, families and groups in the form of counselling, crisis intervention, therapy, advocacy, coordination of resources, etc.
I have struggled with managing my mood and anxiety and physical health concerns for many years. Which of your programs would be best for me?
Yes. No matter what your specific health goals, all of my health-coaching programs focus on health and nutrition information that will provide improved wellness. Some of my clients have done the 3-month Discover Change Program and had zero weight to lose. They wanted the nutrition information so they could better manage a health concern. My programs are more about making positive health changes than they are about numbers on the scales.
If you are not sure what program is right for you or if I am the right practitioner, set up a free 30-minute power call. You and Laurie will discuss your situation and the best program for you.
I think what I need are some individual counselling sessions to get better control of my anxiety, stress levels and my moods. What is the best service for me?
That is where my individual Cognitive Behavioral Counselling (CBT) Sessions can be most helpful. Some people have wanted to work with me, but were not feeling ready to take on my 12 week or 6 month intensive programs. Then, I suggest some individual CBT sessions.
So, what is the cognition part of this work? Cognition is a fancy word that means thinking. More precisely: in CBT, we learn how to start thinking about our thinking! Why focus on our thoughts? Because our thoughts become our actions and behaviors! They have so much power in our success or struggle for living a healthier lifestyle. When we look at the research about what kinds of therapy work for anxiety and other mental health concerns, CBT always rises to the top as a very successful treatment approach.
When you get good at your own CBT, you can take your own learning about yourself and your thoughts, and understand how to overlay that skill on any real life situation. That all works out to better coping and general life management.
We know that CBT can provide benefits with:
- Anxiety
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Addictions
- Eating disorders
- Binge eating
- Depression
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Do you want to know more about how CBT can help you keep on track with your physical and mental health goals?
Click here for more details:
Why should I have a holistic health counsellor?
Because your mental health management should go way beyond just taking a pill. When you make a purposeful effort to live with your anxiety in a more holistic way, when you decide to integrate your emotional and physical health improvements at the same time, magical things can happen!
It has been my experience that mental health counsellors want to be holistic in their approaches, but are often missing important holistic categories. Unfortunately, nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness are almost always glazed over and not given the specific attention they deserve. How to use moderate exercise and purposeful relaxation skills as mood management tools are not explained in detail.
A counsellor can help you with goal-setting and other health-related issues. A truly holistic counsellor is assessing and supporting your whole self. Research shows that those who are successful at maintaining longer-term health improvements are improving nutrition, building exercise into their lives, using social supports, managing stress, addressing emotional issues, and building better communication skills.
Improved health is so much more than just a number on a scale. I am not saying that your weight number doesn’t have its place in managing your health; what I am saying is that there are other numbers that provide better health information and are a better indicator of your overall health success. What about better blood sugar numbers? What about better blood pressure and blood lipids numbers? More importantly: what is your waist circumference number? What are your energy levels? What is the number of hours of sleep you get? What is the number of days that you have the energy to exercise? We will be looking at much more important numbers! Trust me, you will know when you are being successful because your body will tell you.
Are your services covered with insurance or Employee Assistance programs?
If your private health insurance covers Social Work services and/or Naturopathy services, then you have the option to use your insurance to cover my programs.
My services are also covered under some Employee Assistance Programs. Make contact with your Employee Assistance coordinator and ask if my programs are part of the supportive services they provide to their employees. You might need to go through a referral process.
Can I talk to a past client for a reference?
In the past, my clients have happily offered to speak candidly about their experiences. I can make arrangements for you to have a private conversation with a past client upon request.
Are meal plans parts of your programs?
I won’t give you a cookie-cutter meal plan because I believe that truly successful meal plans should be personalized. As for being part of my programs, you will gain the experience of creating your own personalized meal plan. You will leave the program with an understanding of the importance of using meal plans. You will gain the hands-on experience of creating, shopping for, cooking, and evaluating your own plan. Once you do this and work it out yourself, you have that skill FOREVER! You will then truly understand the power of planning. A cookie cutter meal plan might provide some temporary success, but not the long-term lifetime success that you are looking for and deserve.
How are your programs different than other mainstream programs?
My holistic counselling programs are created to successfully transition people into healthy lifestyles for the long term. I don’t offer any short-term quick fixes.
My approach helps you learn how to holistically manage both your mental and physical health. We talk about nutrition, supplements, mindfulness activities, exercise, and brain and body health. All of this work is done through the support of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. When we look at the research about what kinds of therapy work for anxiety and other mental health concerns, CBT always rises to the top as a very successful treatment approach.
How do I know that I am ready for one of your programs?
When you feel like you are on the edge of something great for your health. When you know that you could make your health dream a reality and you are looking for support along the way. When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. When you want to be connected to a counsellor who is truly interested in your improved mental and physical health. When you are so over just focusing on your food. Then, you know you’re ready for real change.
I know that I am an Emotional Eater. Can you help me with this?
Yes, I can! I believe that supporting people through their emotional eating is the missing ingredient in most mainstream wellness programs. There are specific emotional eating strategies that have been proven to be very helpful. Emotional eating habits are very personal and we often want to keep them to ourselves. When we emotionally eat, feelings of guilt, shame, and embarrassment often follow. Emotional eating can be difficult to deal with and it takes patience and understanding to work though. Learning your emotional eating triggers and building a plan to successfully deal with it are important parts of the HELP Healthy Eating Living & Loving Your Life program.
Who do you work with? Who are your clients?
- People with busy lives and high stress jobs
- People who want more than just nutritional information
- People who are interested in improving their lives and the lives of people they love
- People who want long-term health and wellness solutions
- People who want to be smarter than food marketers
- Busy parents who are responsible for the wellbeing of their families
- People who are living with chronic health concerns like diabetes, arthritis, anxiety, and depression
- Doctors who are concerned with supporting true health and wellness
- Organizations that have a desire to improve the health and wellness of their employees
- Employee Assistance and Employee Wellness Programs