Laurie is a Registered Social Worker and Holistic Naturopathic Therapist.
She holds a Science Degree in Psychology and Biology from Acadia University in NS, a Social Work Degree from Memorial University in NL, a Masters in Holistic Nutrition from the Edison Institute of Nutrition in ONT. She is a Shanker Certified Self-Reg™practitioner.
She is a mental health therapist, speaker, educator on the subject of holistic wellness and its connection to mental and physical health. She is the creator of Laurie Pinhorn.com and one of the co-creators of Empowered Parents.com
Her private practice focuses on individuals and families who live with mental health concerns. Her main counselling areas of focus are anxiety, developmental trauma depression, ADD, ADHD and autism. She also works with groups and corporations to design and deliver holistic wellness programs to optimize mental and physical health.
Her programs and interventions are Acceptance and Commitment (ACT), Internal Families Systems (IFS), Polyvagal and trauma informed and Self- Reg therapy based. She also offers EMDR trauma reprocessing counselling. Her private practice currently offers a wide range of online learning opportunities related to Restorative Self- Care, Nutrition and Mental Health Recovery, and family interventions for children struggling with emotional regulation.
With a diverse background in social work, advanced holistic nutrition, somatic counselling training, Self-Reg™, and physical fitness; Laurie’s hybrid of expertise is very unique. With a background that includes over 25 years in social work and a Masters accreditation in Holistic Nutrition, she is well equipped to educate and shift perspectives.
Laurie is a firm believer in using holistic approaches to help people live better with both physical and mental health concerns. Her personal and professional philosophy is that our mental health management should go way beyond just taking a pill.
Laurie’s Credentials:
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Biology
- Bachelor of Social Work
- 25 years of Social Work practice experience
- Masters in Holistic Nutrition- Specializing in nutritional support for improved mental health
- Self-Reg Certified practitioner
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training for Adolescents
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training for Anxiety and Depression
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy training for Trauma Recovery
- Internal Family Systems training
- EMDR training with EMDRin
- The creator of Laurie Pinhorn: Holistic Counselling Services
- The co-creator of Empowered Parents
- Small business owner
Laurie’s Therapeutic Work is Guided and Informed By:
- Dr. Arielle Schwartz - Author of The Complex PTSD Workbook, EMDR Therapy and Somatic Psychology, The Post Traumatic Growth Guidebook, and The Practical Guide to Complex PTSD.
- Dr. Richard Schwarts - The founder and world leader of Internal Family Systems (IFS)
- Dr. Russ Harris - World leader and trainer in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Deb Dana – World leaders in Polyvagal Therapy
- Dr. Kristin Neff - Renowned Self-Compassion Researcher
- Dr. Stephen Porges - Pioneer of the Polyvagal Theory
- Dr. Bessel Van Derkolk - Trauma and PTSD Expert
- Dr. Gaber Mate - Additions and Developmental Trauma Expert
- Jon Kabat-Zin Ph.D - Author and the developer of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University Medical Center
- Dr. Dan Siegel - Researcher, Author and Director of the Mindsight Institute
- Dr. Stuart Shanker - Researcher, Author and Director of the MEHRIT Centre
- EMDRIA - International EMDR Association